Jasleen + Aman

Our story began in early 2012 at Fashion Avenue in Time Square, New York. I was a newbie in College and Aman was doing research at City University of New York. We still remember our first date so vividly. Aman brought me a bouquet of pink roses and gave me a hug. I took the flowers from him and kept walking straight to avoid eye contact as I was too shy.
We explored so much on our first date. We saw the library, grand central station, wall street and walked around time square area. After having lunch we went to see the empire state building. We were standing on top of the empire building and looking down when an old lady approached us. I was still holding my bouquet of roses from the morning. She said, “Congrats did you just get engaged?” We both looked at her and giggled so loud. We told her that it was our first date. She awkwardly walked away but we both knew in moment that we were going to marry each other. Our date ended on a positive note even though I missed my bus and yelled at Aman for making me late.
We continued our long-distance relationship for years and saw each other once or twice a month during those years. Together we explored so many places and restaurants in NYC and even today New York holds a special place in our hearts. Rest is history...